Intech Microwaves (in short IMW) is located in the industrial area of Tiburtina, named Tecnopolo Tiburtino, near the major companies operating in the Aerospace and Defence sector.
The Company is Founded and Directed by professionals working in the field of Telecommunications , Defense and Space.
The Skills are extended to industrial applications such as Microwaves, Microelectronics, and Automatic Test Equipment.
The Firm Facilities are implemented in clean area.
The Company ensures the entire life cycle of the product, from the design to the production, installation and maintenance service.
IMW is able to develop Own products and Custom ones and to produce “build to print“ item.
The Team experience provides a service able to solve components and equipment obsolescence in use on the field.
Specialist and Systemistic know-how allows to create “partnerships “with the major customers operating in the field.
The company delivers the MDP according to the client standard.
General Manager
Vincenzo Alleva: CEO
He graduated in Rome in Electronic Engineering at “La Sapienza” University and specialized in Applied Electromagnetism.
He worked as researcher and manager at: SELENIA S.p.a., ITELCO S.p.a., ELETTRONICA S.p.a., ALENIA SPAZIO, TELITAL UNICOM Research Center, ELETTRONICA S.p.a. for relevant Italian and international projects.
He is the author of numerous publications on mircowaves and on systems and electromagnetic devices.
More information: here
Franco Marchetti
He graduated in Mathematics at the “La Sapienza” University of Rome
He has worked in SELENIA Spa, in AMI (Italian Air Force), in UNI.COM Spa and since 2003 he has worked as an independent consultant in Mircrowaves and Microelettronica with roles of quality manager and automatic testing manager.
During his career he was the author of numerous international publications.
More information: here
Quality and Security: ensure compliance with the highest quality standards of products and services and complete adherence to all safety standards: the working environment of human and technological resources.
Resource management: deals with the planning, management and control processes of all resources: administrative and financial, human and production.
Production: designs and manufactures products and services dedicated to customers and also operate technical assistance and product maintenance..
Augmented Communication: deals with the image, corporate communication and development of products and communication services for end customers and for MW. It uses the most advanced Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and 3 D prototyping technologies.