Vincenzo Alleva

Was born in Rome and he received the degree “ Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica” in 1982 from the University of Rome “La Sapienza. He also attended the “Scuola di specializzazione in Elettromagnetismo Applicato” in the same year. In the year 1983 he joined SELENIA S.p.A and worked in the Microwave Laboratory of the Development Directorate . During the eight years spent in the departement, he was involved in the following programs: – 3D Long Range Radar – ATC Radars (Matcals, Europa 2000) – Radar for EFA His development interests included microwave and millimeter-wave, semiconductor devices, passive circuits and microwave components. His research interests also included MMIC design. In 1991 He joined ITELCO S.p.A . in Orvieto, as manager of Microwave and System departments. ITELCO is involved in BROADCASTING & TELECOMMUNICATIONS. During this period he worked on a Transmitter for broadcasting using I.O.T. (First in Europe). – In 1992 he was the organizer of ” 1992 International Workshop on Millimeter Wave ” sponsorized by IEEE in Orvieto. In July 1992, he joined ELETTRONICA S.p.A . as responsible of the Microwave department. This Department has a high capability in the design of Supercomponents integrated with MIC and MMIC In September 1996, he joined ALENIA SPAZIO as responsible of Microelectronic Department in L’Aquila plant. Then he was appointed as Product Manager of Power Transmitter and Microwave Channel Amplifier for Commercial Satellites in USA (Lokheed Martin). During this period he was also Product Manager for international Mission and Programs as “Rosetta” and “Mars Express”. Since November 2000 he joined T E L I T A L U N I . C O M C E N T R O R I C E R C H E as LABORATORIES RESPONSIBLE. TELITAL UNI.COM CENTRO RICERCHE is a Research and Development Center based in Orvieto (TR), fully dedicated to radio-frequency and millimeter wave systems research and development. In June 2003, he joined ELETTRONICA S.p.A . as Program Manager. In January 2008 became responsible of Hardware Design Laboratories of the same Company. Developments of Antennas, Microwave , Signal Process and Power Supply activities belong to this Operative Unit. Until last year he was working as Elettronica spa Technological Expert in European Defence Agency (EDA) programs

Publications: – V. Alleva, C. Tosti, L. Vegni “Analysis of Integrated Antennas on Multilayered Lossy Substrates ” in Proc of MELECON ’83. – V. Alleva, L. Chiappe, “S Band, High Power C Class Operating Amplifier with a Long Pulse ” in Proc. ]8th European Microwave Conf 1988. – V. Alleva, M. Calori, A. Cetronio, C. Lanzieri, C. Proietti, S. Rapisarda “Packaged, Cascadable Wide Band, Monolithic Feedback Amplifiers for Radar System Applications “, in Proc. Gallium Arsenide Applications Symposium Roma 1990. – V. Alleva, M. Cicolani “Configurazioni di Reti a Microoonde per Antenne ad Array 8′ Riunione di Elettromagnetismo applicato, Capri 1990. – V. Alleva, F.Petrullo “High Power, Two Way, Power Divider with Uneven Power Split ” 9′ riunione di elettromagnetismo applicato Assisi 1992. – V. Alleva, G.Pinto “Modern Radar and EW Systems Call For the Large Scale use of GaAs MIC and MMIC, in Proc. Gallium Arsenide Application Symposium Torino 1994. – V. Alleva “An Equalized, Multichannel, High Speed Tunable, Filtering Assembly for ECM- ESMAvionic Systems ” in Proc. of microwave 1994 conf London 1994.
– V. Alleva, G.Pinto: “New Supercomponents and Integrations for Modern Radar and EW Systems ” in Proc. of microwave 1994 conf London 1994. – V. Alleva, F Di Paolo “Temperature Compensation Circuit for Linear Microwave Amplifiers ” IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Lett., vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 238-240, June 1996. – V. Alleva, R. Cirone, U. Di Marcantonio, F. Vasarelli: “A Wet Cleaning Method Applied To Volume Production Of MCM’s And MHIC’s For Space Applications” in Proc. of EC-MCM’98 4th European Conference on Multichip Modules, London 1998. – V. Alleva, F. Petrullo: “Design and performance of the transmit/receive module for MWS applications” Wireless Design Conference, London 2002. – V. Alleva, F. Petrullo, G.F. Vezzani: “Millimeter Wave Modules for MWS Systems.” Giornata di studio su Circuiti,Dispositivi e Tecnologie per le Microonde e le Onde Millimetriche. Orvieto, Luglio 2002. – V. Alleva, M. Bartocci, B. Orobello: “Modern Direction Finding Digital Antenna Unit for Advanced Esm Systems” XVII RiNEm Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, Lecce, Settembre 2008. – V. Alleva, A. Bettidi, A. Cetronio, W. Ciccognani, M. De Dominicis, M. Ferrari, E. Giovine, Lanzieri, E. Limiti, A. Megna, M. Peroni, P. Romanici: “High Power Microstrip GaN-HEMT Switches for Microwave Applications, 11th European Microwave Week, October 2008, Amsterdam – V. Alleva, A. Bettidi, W. Ciccognani, M. De Dominicis, M. Ferrari, C. Lanzieri, E. Limiti, M. Peroni: “ High-power monolithic AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor switches” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 2009, 1(4), 339–345. #2009 Cambridge University Press and the European Microwave Association Printed in the United Kingdom – V. Alleva, D. Baccello E. Ciacia, R. Diciomma, G. Giolo, , B. Orobello,: “8W 2-8GHz Solid State Amplifier for Phased Array” 13th European Microwave Week, September 2010, Paris – V. Alleva, D. Baccello, M. Bartocci, B. Orobello,: “Digital Antenna Unit for DOA Analysis in ESM Systems ” 13th European Microwave Week, September 2010, Paris

Franco Marchetti

Franco Marchetti professional education is based on a Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications earned in 1963 at the “Galilieo Galilei” Institute of Rome, and a degree in Mathematics at University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1977.

In 1962 he joined Selenia S.p.A. in Rome (now Selex ES S.p.A.), where he worked till 1999 in the flow of technological evolution:
Ferrite development and microwave applications
Acoustic delay lines
Passive and active Microwave units design and development
Automatic Testing development
CAE-CAD and IT Manager
In 1966-67 he served as Technical Officer in the Italian Air Force (AMI) with activities in Infrared Military applications.
In 1999 he joined UNI.COM S.p.A., a new Company in telecommunications as Research Manager.
In the period 2003-2014 he acted as independent Consultant in Microwaves and Microelectronics Companies, as Quality Management and Automatic Testing Manager
During his long technical career he earned two patents in the Microwave field and was author of several international publications